Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Deborah Miller - leading the world's newest beauty powerhouse!

As Australia bulldozes its way up the hallowed ladder of beauty powerhouses the world is starting to take notice.

Australians are making their mark in the beauty field, dominating Victoria’s Secret Parades (of late Miranda Kerr, Abbey Lee Kershaw, Sarah Stephens, Jessica Hart and Elyse Taylor) and taking on the challenge on runways all over the world. New looks and beauties are being discovered and celebrated, boundaries are broken and for the first time ever, we may have possibly found Australia’s first ever Indigenous supermodel, Samantha Harris.

It’s a great time to be an Australian.

While Australia has been heavily involved in the Miss Universe pageant scene for decades, compared to its contemporaries the scene here is quite young thanks to the laid back attitude that we are famous for.

Thanks to Jennifer Hawkins who single handedly reignited the flame of interest for pageants in Australia commercially, there has been a surge of interest among young women wanting to be the “next-cheer-leader-who- did-good”.

For the first time in decades, the Miss Universe Australia (MUA) pageant is experiencing a revival, and it is at this transitional time that the organization is in need of a good captain to steer the ship through waters of rediscovery.

I recently caught up with Deborah Miller, National Director for the Miss Universe Australia (MUA) organization at the NSW finals. Looking very pretty in pink with a playful air she cheekily tells our photographer “Can you tell I’m channeling Ivana!”

Warm, with a touch of childish enthusiasm Deborah has been key in shaping the new face of MUA and since taking on the difficult job of National Director, has achieved an impressive portfolio of achievements with top placements in the Miss Universe competition in the last two years.

Below is a transcript of our interview.

1) Tell me about your background - Who is Deborah Miller?
I am originally from the UK and my background is in drama, music, and marketing. I started my own model agency, Cosmpolitan Model Management when I was 22, and became a progressive talent scout. My agency is based in Melbourne Australia.

2) How did the role of director find its way to you?
I assisted the previous National Director with the Miss Universe Australia for ten years. I asked him if I could stage the first state preliminary events for Australia and I successfully coordinated these events for several years. When Jim Davie the previous National Director retired, it was a natural progression for me to apply for the position.

3) What challenges did you face in the beginning and what have you learned from these?

I basically had to build the pageant in Australia very quickly and that was very challenging! I was lucky to have support from the Australian media as well as our sponsors. The Miss Universe Organization especially Annette Cammer, the director of International licensing, has been so kind and supportive, and very encouraging.

4) Tell me about the 2010 girls. How do they rate compared to Rachael's batch?
This is an interesting question! I would say a little bit more polished with out losing that Aussie relaxed unique way.

5) What do you look for in a Miss Australia Universe contestant?
Firstly it’s imperative that she has the capacity, drive, and qualities to compete at the international pageant. She also has to have potential to be a great Australian ambassador, and role model. She is a representative of Australian young women, and needs to be aware that this comes with a level of responsibility. The delegate has the opportunity to promote Australia positively to the international world and needs to be able leverage the opportunity. Mostly she also needs to have the energy, grace, and humanitarian qualities that the Miss Universe role demands.

6) The Miss Australia Universe foundation was at its strongest before 1993. It seems to have lost its way until you came along. Can you comment on this?
I believe that the pageant has grown quickly over the last two years, because of the vast media coverage achieved by staging numerous preliminary events, and registration days/ casting call days. The more events, the more contestants, the higher chance of finding a great candidate. In the two years, in this role, I have had a top ten and top 5 contestants. I think it’s also important to have passion drive and vision, and develop a work culture that reflects this.

7) What kind of training do you implement for the winner to compete internationally? What is your support network and who does what?
I think what makes the Australia girls stand out is that they are not overly trained, which is quite refreshing. There is support from, media, sport, and fashion advisors. I think they should firstly be true themselves and not be something that they are not as it will come across as insincere, and false.

8) In what direction do you think the Miss Australia Universe will be heading? What should we be watching out for?
Prelimary pageants growing bigger through regional Australia, which will give all young women opportunity to be part of the pageant. More events and fundraising opportunities for the charities that Miss Universe Australia supports and increase in the non for profit organizations we will work with as well. An increase in great career success for all the Australian delegates is also something we are strive for.

9) Of all the girls who have won under your leadership who stands out the most?
They are all special in their own way and inspirational young women.

10) What do you want to say to any aspiring candidates thinking of joining the pageant next year?
You really must be focused, and want this 100%. It’s an amazing journey and so rewarding.

The Miss Universe Australia Final will be held at The Sofitel Wentworth, Sydney on June 17. For more information, please go to

Best of luck and to Deborah Miller and Paris Ogden for their openness and generosity!

All images courtesy of Kevin Lue Photography.

1 comment:

  1. The best talemt scout in this country is the founder of $100,000 Townsville Fashion Bash Henry Petersen.Not only has he discovered 2 of the past 3 MUA title winners but also 22 international models all in the space of the past 5 years. Logon & see his amazing results.
